
Suzuki violin school. Ediz. italiana, francese e spagnola: SUZUKI VIOLIN SCHOOL 1

Descripciones Suzuki violin school. Ediz. italiana, francese e spagnola: SUZUKI VIOLIN SCHOOL 1 Online gratis

Download Suzuki violin school. Ediz. italiana, francese e spagnola: SUZUKI VIOLIN SCHOOL 1

Descripción The Suzuki philosophy is based upon the idea that children can learn music in the samemanner they do their native language, through repetitive listening. This listening is then followedup with 1) Individual Instruction with a trained Suzuki teacher 2) Group lessons on a bi-weekly / weekly basis 3) Parent Involvement 4) Encouragement. Students begin lessons as early as two years oldand through repetition of small and enjoyable steps begin building a music vocabulary.


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